Sonic Visualiser

Visualisation, analysis, and annotation of music audio recordings

Tony screen shot
Sonic Lineup screen shot
Sonic Lineup
Sonic Visualiser screen shot
Sonic Visualiser

Sonic Visualiser is a free, open-source application for Windows, Linux, and Mac, designed to be the first program you reach for when want to study a music recording closely. It's designed for musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers, and anyone else looking for a friendly way to look at what lies inside the audio file.

Sonic Visualiser version 5.0.1 was released on 1st October 2024. Download it here!

Sonic Visualiser is one of a family of four applications:

Citations: If you are using Sonic Visualiser in research work for publication, please cite (pdf | bib) Chris Cannam, Christian Landone, and Mark Sandler, Sonic Visualiser: An Open Source Application for Viewing, Analysing, and Annotating Music Audio Files, in Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2010 International Conference.

Initiated and developed in the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
Currently maintained primarily by Chris Cannam at Particular Programs Ltd
Partially funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through the OMRAS2 project EP/E017614/1 and the SeMMA project GR/S84743/01. Partially funded by the European Commission through the SIMAC project IST-FP6-507142 and the EASAIER project IST-FP6-033902. Partially funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the Research Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music.